We Love Armadillocon

Austin’s premier sci-fi/fantasy convention was last weekend. It’s not a con with people in Klingon costumes walking around, although that can happen; it’s a working convention for writers and publishers. It draws novelists, editors, agents, comic book writers, screenwriters, and genre creators from all over the world, and this year’s guests included Paolo Bacigalupi (The Windup Girl, Hugo and Nebula winner, National Book Award finalist), Emma Bull, and Will Shetterly.

However, after the panels and networking were complete, everybody unwound at suite parties, including us Space Squid folk. These parties involved booze, food, friendly people, wacky antics, and free copies of the latest issue of Space Squid. Although editor Matthew did not drunkenly launch spinning juggling clubs eight stories up into the vast lobby space of the Arboretum Renaissance Hotel, as we’d hoped he would, we did entrance dozens of poor, innocent partygoers with mind-numbing and bizarro videos accompanied by appropriately mind-numbing music. Hotel security was only summoned once, which we consider a success on all accounts. All four Space Squid editors were in attendance, and a good time was had by all, or at least that’s what they told us. Even the Swedes, who understand better than most what a con party should be.

If you’re interested in attending one of our legendary Space Squid parties next year, make sure to join our mailing list!


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